Sunday, December 12, 2010

Turkey Over Polenta with Toasted Pinenuts, Wilted Spinach, and Cranberry Sauce

I had these whole mustard seeds and whole coriander seeds that I didn't know how to use (and apparently too lazy to just google how), so I bought a pepper mill and spent forever grinding the two spices in advance so they would be ready to use when spontaneity calls. The only reason I had those whole spices in the first place was because they came with my spice rack.

Anyway since I spent so long grinding these things, I decided to incorporate at least one of these spices into this dish. So I got some lean ground turkey, seasoned it with cinnamon and some of that ground mustard seed, along with a bunch of toasted pignolias (i.e. pinenuts), and formed them into little balls which I sprinkled with freshly cracked peppercorns and placed on top of sliced polenta. Into the toaster oven this thing went, about 350 degrees or so, for I don't remember how long. Out they came, and I placed these alongside some wilted spinach and cranberry sauce, and there you have it!

I loved the pinenuts in the little meatballs, and the broth that came from the turkey imparted a delicious savory flavor and moistness to the polenta. The cranberry sauce was not really necessary but I guess it added color, as did the spinach... I couldn't make out the mustard seed at all, but it didn't seem like a strong spice anyway, compared to the coriander seed. The cinnamon was really random but I felt like it worked out very well.

This is totally something I don't intend to make regularly as it took more effort than usual. But then again, did it take any more effort than roux? No. So maybe I will make the likes of this again if I get motivated enough...

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