Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mâche (lamb's lettuce) With Caramelized Vegetables, Feta, and Pinenuts

Sigh... I can't seem to get good lighting in these photos sometimes. So this salad was actually a lot prettier than it appears on the left. The colors were more vibrant and fresh and definitely made the salad look more appetizing than this sorry image...

I saw this bag of mâche (pronounced "mosh") greens at Trader Joes and wanted to try it out as the bed for my caramelized peppers and onions. I actually wanted to top the greens with roasted or grilled veggies (eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, carrots) but was too lazy to move all the stuff out of my oven (I use it for storage due to lack of space in the condo), and we don't have a grill. So... I had to settle for stovetop!

The mâche was very impressive, to say the least. The leaves were very pretty in little danity rosettes, the feel was a bit like spinach but more tender (apparently mâche has more iron than spinach, also!), and the taste was very mild, or even sweet and nutty as some would describe it. It was a huge contrast to the more bitter and peppery greens like arugula. I think I've found a new favorite salad green, which ranks up there with Bibb lettuce, which is similar in taste and texture but has larger leaves.

I like those greens because they are very easy to eat (no sharp peppery bite), and along with the caramelized veggies, feta, and pinenuts, this salad was something I'd definitely serve to people. Well I guess I'd have to figure out a dressing for people, since I was fine eating it without dressing. Oh and by the way, the feta was the Pastures of Eden feta from Israel (sold at Trader Joes). It was excellent!

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