Thursday, April 12, 2012

Saffron Rice

To use up the remaining saffron I had, I just threw the threads into the rice cooker with Thai basmati rice. I figured the steeping would take place during the course of the cooking, so I didn't bother to steep the threads ahead of time. This was okayyy. I think Indian basmati is superior in texture and aroma though. The yellow color did come out, and one can see the individual threads, so yay. The rice itself was a bit bland, but that's my own fault for not using chicken stock or any other flavorings. I ended up mixing in nuts and raisins (on the left) and this soy nut mix (on the right). I really wanted to use my Rogan Josh spice blend with lamb again, and top it over saffron rice, but alas for the long forgotten days of relaxation cooking. I don't know how people do it... cook healthy/homemade AND get stuff done around the house AND work AND spend time with your kid(s) AND spend time with your significant other AND have spiritual disciplines AND exercise AND x AND y AND z... I've come to have a new appreciation for motherhood and cannot begin to imagine the even greater challenge single moms face. Wow.

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